Wednesday, April 30, 2008
11:00 PM
HEYS PEEPS! iam back to blogging again. hahahawent to school as usual. damn tired today. nearly cant get off my bed!had homeroom for first period, homeroom had nothing to do. so,,, i fall sleeping. lolthen math,, iam sleeping again.after that was CPA,, after doing finish my work. i went to sleep for a while AGAIN. iam such a pig! opps.i was nearly sleeping through out the whole period. LOLafter school,, ZHIYIN, DESMOND, JI, DAFU, KOK WEI, BRANDON, QING HUI and ME went to JUSTIN'S house to study. lol. like i will study there. pls.....DESMOND and their so call "brothers" went to buy some snacks and drinks then bring to JUSTIN'S house. I was "really" studying ok. lol i cant believe myself either. lolDESMOND was our so called teacher "Mr Poh" lol. he really did teach us Math.there to many people there,, plus too noise. so we split into two groups.after finish our study. JI&KOKWEI was drawing with the white board. damn funny la.making us laughs out our lungs. LOLwent off around 5 plus. went to had dinner with ZHIYIN&DESMOND.after that i still need to help me mother buy food home. hate it!!reach home was about 7 plus.thats all for today. ((((((: TOODLES! SWEET SWEET DREAMS EVERYONE! :DPICTURES!!! "Mr Poh" our so called teacher. LOL L! hahaha ME & MY BELOVED SHORT LAOGONG! (((((: ( click to enlarge) this is their drawing,, so call "brothers" chart i think... lol blue is drawn by KOK and black is drawn by JI. ohmy! i miss richrad can. miss his joke la. I JUST SMIPLY LOVE MY COM! ITS JUST MAKE ME WANNA KISS IT! hahaha. everything will change,, but i just doesn't know that it change so fast. my side view is nicer that my front view! SERIOUSLY! LOLall i can say is SORRY. i really dont know what i can do now. sometimes,, i really feel like crying. but i remembered i promise you no matter i wont cry. but sometimes i really feel like crying. i really appreciate what you have done for me. i really did try to change. and hope that you know i really cherish this relationship.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
11:41 PM
short post for today. woke up at 1 plus. called DADA. imisshim! ((:mummy brought lunch home for us. was intend to go out.but is to late for shopping. -_-''after watch tv for like whole day. nothing to do at home. how i wish to go out.internet sucks today. trying to upload pictures from blogger & photo bucket and it took so long! ROARRR~change my blog song. changing my blogskin soon.gonna post some pictures that i took this few days.toodles. SWEET SWEET DREAMS. (: I LOVE HER! korwei,, keep trying to avoid my camera. but finally. one shot. lol wee~  
Monday, April 21, 2008
11:23 PM
HI PEEPS! school was as fine. had science then CPA. MT was boring. lol after that had english listening. i kept falling asleep. EOA totally had nothing to do.after the guys went to play basketball, then me and ZHIYIN was playing PSP together.after that they accompany me to buy bubble tea. then took bus together to tm. i went to meet MD. had our lunch. then, was wondering to watch movie.went to check the time. and YAY! watch The Forbidden Kingdom. the movie was great. after that we had nowhere to go. so,, we went to eat again. lolafter dinner headed home together. wee~ he accompany me the whole day! THANK YOU DADA! LOVE YOU LOTS. cant wait for iam trying to find nice PSP games. anyone know any nice games pls intro me. thank you.thats all. BYE! SWEET SWEET DREAMS!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
11:08 PM
i got a PSP SLIM for my 5 month anniversary! :D
i know that a lot of people know i have a boyfriend. is just that i dont wanna let anyone to know. but since so many people know. so,,,,,, lol. MD came to meet me today. he gave me a PSP for our anniversary. it was supposed to be a surprised. but,,,,, something happen. lol i gave him back the black PSP for a long time. he know that i want a PSP so he brought 1 for me. SWEET!!
my mother brought lots if ICE-CREAM home! NICE! if iam not wrong there are like 6 boxes? lol she say is cheap. HAPPY HAPPY ME!!! will post more on tml. ((:
 HE'S MINE!!! ((((((((:

Monday, April 14, 2008
11:36 PM
i've got 3 days MC again! rot at home AGAIN!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008
11:13 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELVIN KOH CHEE TONG!!! (((((((: stay happy and smiles mood to blog. cos,, iam stuck at home!!anyways,, iam not going school tml. boring......PICTURES!  iam a one eye girl! :D I LOVE MY LONGLONG HAIR! ((((:
Monday, April 7, 2008
9:58 PM
WTH! I MIGHT GET HAND FOOT MOUTH DISEASE! ROARRR.didn't went to school today. seriously cant stand the pain of stomach.went to see doctor. doctor says maybe is dont know dont know what thing. make me after that went back home saw my foot and mouth got those red dots. its pain and itchy.quickly call SHORT LAOGONG to ask her. lol her say maybe i've HAND FOOT MOUTH DISEASE! wth. she was send home to see doctor to check. SHORT LAOGONG, is good that you dont have hand foot disease. because is seriously damn irritating!!! ROARRR. that red dot is so itchy & pain! ))))))))))):ERZI, you IDIOT! only know how to curse me! never respect your MUMMY! is all your fault that i have all this ok! wish you will not get well!! ROARRRR. tml i will not be going school. (((: need to go to the doctor to check! irritating!i cant share food with my sister. & my mummy. they scare they will get. WTF!i hate my life!!!! ROARRRRi cant even walk also. ITS PAIN!!!! & iam bored at home nothing to do & nothing to watch! so, i went to play Viwawa againhahahs fun. know a lots of friends there. but i gonna earn more golds for cute cute WAWA.lalalalais time for my medicine. YAKBYE PEEPS. toodles. ROARRR! I HATE HAND FOOT MOUTH DISEASE! ))))))))))))))):
Sunday, April 6, 2008
1:19 AM
is just hate when people keep calling me to update me blog. sometimes iam just really to lazy to post.anyways, went to chalet today. celebrated my cousin birthday. loli thought that it will be fun. but is damn boring there can. what we do is just eat, sit and chat. -_-'' kuku right!went home around 11 plus. tired. Wednesday went to watch shutter. its was not that scary as i thought. they say is actually the same as the other shutter movie. thats all. i know is SHORT. but at least i POST! smiles. (((((((:BYE! SWEET DREAMS!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
10:25 PM
WTH! my stomach is pain AGAIN! is so pain can! totally no strength la. wth today i was late for school. can say is i 'ku yi' want la. lol morning to tired to wake up. then when back to sleep again. my mother still ask me dont need to go school ar. lol what my mother said. Mother: its 7am already, not going school? Me: iam going. just to tired to wake. Mother: then you gonna be late. Me: dont care la. late then late la. after that, 7 .30 wake up. wash up and prepare to go school. Mother: its going to 8 already why are still home? Me: today got PE. since already late i going school after PE finish then dont need wear PE attire. LOL! reach school was already 8.30. lol today math was so bored la. nothing to do! after was english. cool~ Mdm low never come school! *HAPPY* if not is another boring lesson. today had to go hall. 98.7 FM people came to our school! but they introduce those that i never heard before la. but their singing is good! ((((: today had EOA. cant print again! WTH. all we can do is sleep. -_-'' after school went to TM with my mum. today is special. cos, is i ask her out! hahas cos, i wanted to buy shampoo for my hair. i change my shampoo. from Sunsilk to Pantene. a lot people say Pantene gives your hair dandruff. but Pantene makes my hair more smooth la. had lunch with my mum at Cafe Cartel. then after we headed to Fairprice. went home after buying our things. play Viwawa just now again. lol is fun! but i keep losing. -_-'' my mother keep using my com to play Viwawa also. shouldn't have play infront of her. around 7 plus i went to sleep. suddenly so tired. woke up at 9 i think. i dont think iam sleeping early today. lol thats all for now. TOODLES sweets dreams. smiles (((((((((((((((:
KUKUbird! you big fat lair! say my blog got a lot people spam! not even one la! STUPID DUMMY! say will online. END UP! NO ONLINE! ROARRR YOU!!! LAIR!
 when i reach home, I SAW THIS!!!!
 mini poppers!! sweet. (((:
 ICE-CREAM IS MY LOVE!!!! yumyum. :D