♥You're So Hot
and I'm so
totally In to you!♥

Sunday, January 1, 2012 , 1:03 AM
Happy New Year People !

Hi guys ! Hope you guys enjoy your countdown . I was stuck at home ): as I had to help my mum the next day . So sad . Still thought I can go countdown party for my first time .

But manage to go out with ♥ . Had nydc for lunch . And bought many skin products . And Lego watch !!

My new year's resolution .
- Get a new dog for bebe (:
- study real hard , and stay in that course .
- last as long as possible with ♥ (:
- get my first job
- shop less
- save more money .
- wear less contact lens
- be an awesome 20 year old girl ! :D

Ok , this last want was a bit stupid . Because I already so awesome . Hahaha ! Have a great year guys (: