Friday, November 28, 2008
2:10 AM


SCARY RIGHT?my sister says i look like china doll.mummy says i look like her, but in younger version. LOL!
didn't did anything special today.TOODLES! (:
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
2:30 AM
HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY BOYFRIEND!ILOVEYOU FOREVER! (:went our to meet boyfriend today.he cooked dinner for me. so sweet right.i love him a lot!to boyfriend:DADA,,, i know you didn't buy any gifts for me. and you are really up sad.but, i really dont mind you giving me any gifts. i just want to be with you forever.iam already happy. I LOVE YOU. no matter what happen you will always be mine.YOU ARE MINE AND ALWAYS WILL BE MINE. no matter this will never change.WE WILL ALWAYS BE THE SWEET COUPLE! :D1.No one in this world knows the feeling that I get when I see you.They have no idea about what you get my body to do when I hear your name or hearthat sweet soft voice of yours.Nobody has ever made me feel like the way youmake me feel and that is such a crazy feeling.It feels like I just want to grab you and be in your arms forever andforever and never let go. I want to kiss your lips and never end - just keep going.2.Every time I think about you, it gives me more and more strengthwith which to carry on my life.It makes me happy to be alive knowing that you have came into my lifeand all I know is that I want to be with you!3.Wow, I don't even know where to start. You make my heart pound so fastand I can't even catch my breath. You give me goose bumps all over my bodyand you're all I think about. I've never had a love like this before and I've neverfelt this way. I want to keep you forever.4.How I wish words could express the thoughts that I have towards you.If I should say I love you then the greaterpercent of my words are still unexpressed.But of course, I must say something heart beats for you, and my heart longs for you.i hope you still remember! *LAUGHS*it's our dirty little secrets. *GIGGLES*
i tot he only cooked this for me but,,, .
he bought the cake for me and the bread.
look whats inside the bread .... .... is,,,,,.........
he cut chicken with heart shape in it. SO SWEET!it cant cant be seen properly.

_____________________________________________________________________________DAY 3


see his stomach! LOL!

i want to take the picture of our rooms. but boyfriend refuse to left.he ask me take me inside also. so i did.he called himself ''the dead man''. LOL!


are we still friends?
you called this friendship?
contacting other people but not me?
what are you trying to mean?