Tuesday, March 23, 2010
1:52 AM
Music: U smileMood: Sad
i've lots of pictures to upload. haven been blogging like forever!
been really busy and kinda lazy lately.
so! as iam having my holidays now! i shall blog right!
let me see... first day of my holiday what i did?
went over to boyfriend house to slack?
i think thats what i did the whole day. hahaha!
updated! bought new lappy. MacBook! so cool right!
and new harddrive.
and new contact lens with boyfriend.
no new clothes. ): i think iam gonna spree during my holiday! WEEE!
anyways, i'll be going Genting with mummy again. she has been nagging me to go with her.
like WTH this is like the 6th time we been to Genting.
boyfriend will be coming me too. (:
will be bring my MacBook so iam still able to blog. (:
shit! i will try link everyone of you ok? really sorry.
haven been touching my blog ever seen iam rushing through my assignment
pictures uploading later on! BYE!
TADA! my beautiful colour contacts.

thats eileen! (: love her!