Monday, October 18, 2010
12:58 AM
Music: I Never Told You
i won't be bloging much already.
until, maybe, if, i move to the new house and unpack already.
and i'm not that lazy. then i'm gonna blog! *giggle*
my new blog skin nice right!
i know (: in love with it! whooooo!
short post for now!
i'mma head to bed now. still got phase test later! ahhhh!
so not cool!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
11:33 PM
Music: Grenadegosh! i'm so angry!!!!!!!!my family seriously are shit! they expect a 18 year old to take care of everything.i'm the youngest, but expected me do everything by myself.i'm so piss! i did all the packing. not even my sister help me.all these boxes at home. I PACK IT! and when i'm trying tell my mum what we need what we don't.her reaction was....... sticking her face on the television.not even listening to me!HELLO! you are the adult! yet we don't even bother to do i know what else you want. your brain is like want to keep everything.then how am i suppose to pack when you don't even bother to listen to me.i still got test tml. don't you know that?NO! cos, you think that working is more stress than push everything to me. everyday, you just stand at the stall. is standing stress?!do you know that i've got assignment to do? test to study?NO! COS, YOU DON'T BOTHER TO ASK ME HOW WAS MY DAY?!my family seriously just suck like hell!!!!
back to studying. just FML!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
3:02 AM
Music: Come Back To Me
*yawn* i'm so tired. went over to mummy's shop this afternoon.
after work mummy still wanna go downtown to play jackpot.
so understand. what's so fun about jackpot. you only got to press one button.
and you don't always win money. oh well!
mummy finally giving me money for hair treatment.
and i'm so gonna get a new hair cut. not just layer my hair.
something different. i'm kinda sick with my same hair style everything.
side parting with layered hair. gonna cut something new something different.
hope it turns out nice. (: more pictures to upload too. *giggles*
anyway, gonna head to bed now.
still have wake up early tml for injection.
first blood test. now injection. -_-''
but got to see my cousin. miss her so much.
ever since she went to China i hardly talk to her.
*yawn yawn*
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
4:43 AM
My blogskin has finally change. After so long right.
it so white right now. hahaha
But, I think I'm gonna change another soon.
the feeling just not right. humph! let me know your opinion alright?
And added some new songs too! (: love love love!
Its like 5am already. And I totally can't sleep.
No idea why too. I still have to work later.
Hopefully I can wake up. If not mummy is going to nag me again.
Alright readers. Gonna stop for now.
Maybe I will try blog more later.
Trying to get myself to sleep. NIGHTS!
Or shall I say Morning! LOL
Saturday, October 2, 2010
3:01 PM
HAPPPYYY BIRTHDAYY BEBE & BOYFRIEND!! :Dhope you like the present i bought. blog more later. off to ECP. to ride bike.hope i don't fall later. i don't know how to ride a bike! ahh!
hey guys! i'm back.
seriously i think i really need to learn how to ride a bike.
i just can't stop screaming today. LOL!
but, end up i'm not that afraid anymore.
maybe next week going again. this time i'm bringing my blades.
COOL! had so much fun today.