Music: Peaches

anyway, that is hot chocolate.
definitely NOT COFFEE!
you should know what i did today yea?
pretty much nothing again. my life is so boring right?
yea! don't answer that. hahah!
i did mani and pedicure today. over at some spa place.
the place was really relaxing. i did pedicure spa?

tada! its blue!
i had never in my life did blue mani. hahah!
my sister say i look like vixen.
for pedi. i need purple. dark purple. which really look liek brown. -_-''
obviously i can't show you my pedi right?
no one likes to see my feet. hahahah!
sister did both mani and pedi spa.
after finishing our mani pedi. they even provide snacks for us.
it was pretty cool. i'm really loving that place.
next time i should do spa! (:
anyways, i shall stop here now.
still have to pack my bag later on.
going back singapore tml! yeahness! hahahha
TOODLES! don't miss me too much. O.O