Music: Just A Dream

sadly, i'm leaving Singapore later evening. shall blog a bit before i leave.
will be back like on Friday. just a short trip.
going Malaysia i think? mainly is to Cruise. (:
YEAH! this time is with all FOO'S FAMILY! :DDD
even Nanami is going. (she's my adorable cute cousin) ((:
boyfriend, i'm sorry.
i left you alone at Singapore again. ):
sorry, forgive me ok? I LOVE YOU MANY!

(isn't he just so super adorable and cute!)
anyway, i paint my nails. purple.
not exactly paint. i bought nails stickers?
i don't know what's that called.
its from Sephora. its only 5 dollars when i bought it.
now i think its 17. ex right! yea..
but, i dont really recommend buying it.
its really hard to put it on.
and the tips of your nails. just look really ugly.
unless you're a expert of putting nails stickers.

(the colour are pretty. sadly...)
oh well.
i'm seriously in love my my geeky specs.
and i bought another want.

(one of my beloved geeky spec.)
its just so cute. boyfriend was like giving me this look -_-
he says i bought to many already. but i only bought 2 lah. lol
i feel so excited. i seriously can't wait to get my new house now.
i've been finding so many pretty rooms.
i'm so gonna design like the dream room i also waited. CAN'T WAIT!
see! the rooms are just so pretty! one day i so gonna design my room like this. :D
haha! every time i blog. i'm gonna post one of this picture.

(the red is so not my style, but its still nice)

(so princess right (: )

(not bad right)

(awww. this is pretty)