HELLLOOO! (: today was my first day of school.
umm.. it was quite tiring. as the first day we have lecture already.. ahh!
but after that, i slept through out the whole PM class. hahaha!
anyone knows how to take iphone/ipod pictures?
is it able to take it out?
i'm so excited! i just receive my mail. my ASOS is here!
gonna go down take it on Wednesday. whoooo! my leather jacket!!!!
ahhhh! i can't wait to try it on!
i also order many many stuff from my cousin at china!
can't wait for CNY. to see all my items!!! hehehee!
it's so cold tonight! rain will never stop.
haha! but, it just stop. O.O
i feel like buying contact lens again. but i keep getting scolded by that.
anyways, school starts at 11 tml. able to have more beauty sleep.
hahaha! that's all for now. try to find some pictures to post!

ahhh! i miss my 0ld hair.. ): i want it back