Thursday, July 28, 2011
6:08 PM
5 days of school. and i only went for 3 lesson every week.
gosh. i really hate my life now.
didn't attend school today. i kept giving excuses to myself for not going school.
excuse for today. my phone went flat when i woke up.
so i decided not to go school.
i hate my course. i don't know what to do after i graduate.
even though it kinda fun. i didn't realise writing a script its so easy.
and i kinda like it. :x but still i hate my course.
is like, you know you won't get into in the future. so for what studying so hard for it?
i really shouldn't choose video production. and should listen to daddy.
he told me to choose hairstylist. because my sister was a beautician.
and it would be prefect for us if we got our own shop.
and the best thing is. he would sponsor. like so good right.
and i really like styling my own hair. curl or try some new style.
and i always play with people hair. LOL.
but, now i feel like i wasted 2 years of nothing.
even though its my interest at first.
but second thought, what am i gonna do in the future.
my lecture always you need to work hard to get in to poly or something.
then can find a better job. and then he will point at me and said
you confirm find a guy and get married. SO TRUE!
cos, that's what i want!
TO GET MARRIED! so that i don't need to worried
if i can't find any job i like.
boyfriend always say i got a princess life.
i never work before. i don't bother to find a job.
i like to sleep A LOT! i like to watch tv and stay home.
but, the best of thing of all this is... i do house chores!
the best job i ever wanted is HOUSEWIFE! (:
anyways, no school tml! whoo!
staying home all day. don't know what to do.
oh... i feel like eating Ben&Jerry's Vanilla ice cream. random
boyfriend is sleeping over my house today. and he's snoring.
i still have to pat him to sleep. he's like a little boy.

I'm gonna stay right here, watch you disappear...